Download icone PNG - Quantum Leap

A modern, motivational royalty-free corporate track, with muted electric guitars, drum beat, piano, synths and strings.
Best for presentations, slideshows, montages, marketing campaigns, medical commercials, hi-tech advertising, explainer videos, start up projects, promos and tutorials.

Style: instrumental pop, electro pop

Instruments: electric guitar, piano, synths, bass, claps, drums

Mood: inspiring, uplifting, positive

a man's smiling face

Music by:

Duration: 2:29 1:15

Tempo (BPM): 130

Files Included: Full version 2:29, Short 1:15

File format: MP3 [High Quality 320 kbps]


science motivational presentation medical promotional inspirational innovative corporate hi-tech hopeful stylish uplifting progress technology explainer successful short version